DALLAS, TX (2018)

CLIENT ASK: Ignite belief in the underdog

AGENCY: Limitless Creative Co.

ROLE/RESPONSIBILITY: Strategist, Ideator, Producer

To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the “Just Do It” campaign, Nike Football wanted to provide a space to ignite the underdog to dream the impossible dream. The Dallas Football Warehouse  was a vacant warehouse that was once a brewery. We transformed it into an indoor training facility engineered for pros and prep athletes alike. For three weeks we hosted three of Dallas’ underdog programs (Lincoln, Carter, Sunset) and provided them the best coaches in the city along with mentorship from current Dallas Cowboy players. Additionally we had NFL and college athletes attend workout sessions during the morning and early afternoon. The goal was simple - inspire the Texas Tested football player to believe in themselves. Build it and they will come.

We were able to utilize the space for more than just football. We hosted a women’s led workout and a Go Play day for a handful of local Boys & Girls Clubs. The most rewarding thing was being able to see the faces of the young athletes at their closing banquet when they received specialized gifts from Nike to benefit their programs for the upcoming season.

This project was a true test. From finding a venue, to programming, to the overall design. I learned so much over the course of four months working on this one. I built a forever bond with the city and with the client and was able to be accepted into a community with open arms.  A summer in Texas will do that to a kid from Cali